Wednesday, March 19, 2014

+DEV+ Life In the Kingdom

Date: March 19, 2014 12:28 AM
Topic: +DEV+ Life In the Kingdom

Life In the Kingdom

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purblind pose." (Romans 8:28)

Scripture Focus: Esther 6:1-11

On a car trip, the highway I traveled became enveloped in dense fog. I prayed for safety and discernment along the nearly invisible road. Mordecai may have felt he was in a fog too - perhaps he prayed the same prayer, listening to assassins plotting the king's death. Loyal to Persia and its king, he reported the conspiracy, saving the king's life.

From this point on, the Bible story reads like the libretto for a comic opera, complete with an intrepid cast, mistaken identities, death plots, and vile villain. But this is no joke! This is the account of a historical Jewish man, displaced, yet flourishing and faithful to both his heavenly and earthly kings. Eventually, through a series of God-directed circumstances, the villain is revealed, and the Jewish people are saved.

As believers, we, too, trust God to intervene for us. We know His greatest intervention ever: sending Jesus Christ into our sinful world to save us. Our every footstep has been navigated by the Lord (see Proverbs 20:24).

Insight:  "If we had God...we wouldn't be anxious or worried or as trust generates [as] Paul Tillich said, 'the courage to be.'" (Marcus J. Borg)

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