Date: April 15, 2014 9:56 PM
Topic: +DEV+ Faith In Action
Faith In Action
"...Was not even Rahab... considered righteous for what she did...? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." (James 2:25-26)
Scripture Focus: Joshua 2:1-18; 6:22-25
Word travels fast in our world. Little happens that we can't immediately read about electronically.
Tales of Israel's miraculous escape from Egypt and devastating victories over Canaan's cities traveled quickly throughout the area around Jericho even without technology's aid! People's hearts "were melting with fear" at stories of God's power. A prostitute in Jericho decided she wouldn't be immobilized by fear. Instead, Rahab put her faith in that amazing God. When Israel's spies arrived, she confirmed her new faith by immediately putting it into action - hiding them, helping them escape, and supplying the search party with misinformation. In return, her life was spared during Jericho's capture. God's blessings continued as Rahab went to live with the Israelites. Eventually she became the mother of Boaz. Matthew 1:5 records her name in the genealogy of Jesus.
Rahab made faith an action word. Do the deeds of your life reflect a lively faith relationship with God to those you touch on your journey?
Insight: "Go forth and spread the Gospel, and, if you absolutely must, use words." (St Francis Of Assisi)
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