Friday, May 16, 2014

+DEV+ He Is Our Fortress

Date: May 16, 2014 6:53 AM
Topic: +DEV+  He Is Our Fortress

He is Our Fortress

"I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." (John 10:28)

Scripture Focus: John 10:22-42

We've all heard stories about secret underground bunkers or seen movies about some awesome, impenetrable fortress. Humanly speaking, the security of such places may be debated. But Jesus' words reveal the absolutely impenetrable fortress of every believer's eternally secure salvation. 

The "them" in this sentence refers to Jesus' sheep, those who "listen" and "follow" Him (vs. 27). The security of their souls is perfectly and infinitely guarded by at least six mighty truths: 1. They are His ("My sheep"); 2. He knows them (vs. 27); 3. He is the one who gives them eternal life; 4. That eternal life was given to Him by the Father to give (vs. 29); 5. They are in the Father's Hand (vs. 29); and 6. Jesus and the Father are one (vs. 30). 

Your eternal future was forever won by the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. You can rest assured it is held safe not by your own strivings, but by the hand of the omnipotent, loving, promise-keeping God. "A Mighty Fortress is our God... His kingdom is forever" (Martin Luther, 1529).

Insight: There is emphatic force behind "never." We can think of it as those who are the Lord's will "absolutely never" perish!

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