Monday, November 16, 2009

+DEV+ His Seeking Heart

Date: November 16, 2009 7:44 PM
Topic: +DEV+ His Seeking Heart

His Seeking Heart

“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:10)
Scripture Focus: Luke 15:1-10

Ten-year-old Holly listened as her Sunday School teacher told Jesus’ story of the shepherd who would not rest until he found his one lost sheep. “Jesus is like that strong, caring shepherd,” her teacher said. “He is looking for His lost ones. It doesn’t matter how small the sheep is or how far it has wandered away. Each one is valuable to Him.”

Then the teacher asked how we know that Jesus loves each lost sheep. Holly answered, “Well, when the shepherd found the sheep, he scooped it up and carried it all the way home. I did that with my dog when it was lost. I was just so happy to find it.”

“Jesus is seeking lost sheep today,” the teacher explained. “He wants each to be safe in His arms. When He finds one, He is happy, and so are the angels. Draw a picture of what you think it’s like in heaven when the Shepherd finds a lost boy or girl.”

Holly thoughtfully picked up her colored markers and began to draw. I treasure her picture. Her angels are exuberantly doing what Holly liked best to do—gymnastics!

Insight: Take time today to thank Christ for loving you and constantly seeking to save each lost person.

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