Tuesday, May 31, 2016

+DEV+ We Have Overcome

Date: May 31, 2016 at 1:11 AM
Topic: +DEV+  We Have Overcome

We Have Overcome

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

Scripture Focus: 1 John 4:1-6

We have already "overcome" false spirits and false prophets because our God who reigns in our hearts is far greater than Satan, the father of the lies of this world. The Spirit of Christ in us is constantly overcoming the spirit of the Anti-Christ. Sometimes it is hard to imagine that all of this spiritual warfare is happening, especially on days and at times when things seem to be going well for us. 

But even a moment's glance into the evil and sin surrounding us brings us back to reality. The lies may run from the extremes of religious groups trying to persuade us to worship other gods to Hollywood enticing us to live only for success, beauty and self. We can overcome the lies of the false teachers in this world by affirming the truth of Scripture. 

John gave us a clear way to test what we're dealing with. "Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God" (vs. 2-3). Praise God He has made us over-comers!

Insight: The truth of God defeats the lies of Satan. The good news of Jesus Christ defeats the bad news of the Anti-Christ.

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm

Thursday, May 12, 2016

+DEV+ Peace Offering?

Date: May 12, 2016 at 12:59 AM
Topic: +DEV+  Peace Offering?

Peace Offering?

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

Scripture Focus: Genesis 32:3-12, 33:1-10

Have you ever referred to a gift of food as a "peace offering"? Relationships are fragile things. Betrayals, misunderstandings, words spoken in anger do damage. Fear of rejection and repeated pain cause our repentant hearts to pull back even further, and the initial mess keeps getting messier! 

If you're a child of God in this situation, the healing must begin with you. Forgiveness for sin against a holy God was extended to us through Jesus' death on the cross (John 3:17). That fact should compel us to seek peace with those we've hurt...and with those who've hurt us. 

Hospitality is so often a catalyst for mending broken relationships: handing a plate of cookies across the fence to the neighbor who offended, inviting the couple with whom you've quarreled to come for coffee or a meal, a loaf of banana bread and note of apology to an estranged co-worker...these are simple instruments that foster healing, but they become powerful in God's hands. Trust Him to use your creative acts of kindness to accomplish it!

Insight:  "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."  (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm

Monday, May 9, 2016

+DEV+ This Is My Body

Date: May 9, 2016 at 12:59 AM
Topic: +DEV+  This Is My Body

This Is My Body

"Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take it; this is my body. Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them... This is my blood... poured out for many." Mark 14:22-24

Scripture Focus: Mark 14:12-16, John 14

Leonardo Da Vinci's depiction of Jesus' last supper with His disciples shows serenity and peaceful fellowship. But the actual event was something else entirely! The air must have been thick with tension, the confused disciples wringing their hands with fear, sorrow and disappointed hopes. 

Yet Jesus chose the setting of a final shared meal to comfort and calm them, reinforcing past lessons about His Father's kingdom. Having washed their feet, He bade them sit down to a highly symbolic meal, passing them broken bits of bread, pouring wine into cups held in trembling hands. Then this gentle host gave them a glimpse into heaven itself, assuring them that though He must leave them, He would return one day, "that you also may be where I am." 

How amazing that all Christ's true followers share in this comforting promise! One day, we will join those same disciples at another meal, the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. And this time there will be no confusion, fear or anxiety...only the joyous reunion of God and His family.

Insight: He the pearly gates will open so that I may enter in; for He purchased my redemption and forgave me all my sin. (Frederick A. Blom, 1917)

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm

Thursday, May 5, 2016

+DEV+ Put Your Hope In God

Date: May 5, 2016 at 11:28 PM
Topic: +DEV+  Put Your Hope In God

Put Your Hope In God

"Command those who are rich... not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." 1 Timothy 6:17

Scripture Focus: 1 Kings 17:1-16

Poor Elijah! Called by God to pronounce judgment on Israel. Through a long succession of evil kings, the nation had turned its back on God and had become particularly vicious towards His prophets. So dangerous was the situation that God directed Elijah to escape and hide. In a remote ravine, the Lord miraculously provided food and water. When the famine reached him there, God sent him even farther away. 

In his new hiding place, Elijah was provided for by a penniless widow with only enough flour and oil for one final meal of cake. But when Elijah asked her to share it with him, her heart went out to this forlorn fugitive. She risked her very life, and that of her son, when she saw a need and heard the call of God to meet it. 

It requires great faith to make such sacrifice in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Making even small sacrifices is difficult for many of us. But living by faith is our calling. God specializes in turning our most meager offerings into downright miracles.

Insight: Give God your flour and oil, and watch Him do great things with it!

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm

+DEV+ Empty Actions?

Date: May 5, 2016 at 2:39 AM
Topic: +DEV+  Empty Actions?

Empty Actions?

"If anyone...sees a brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

Scripture Focus: John 19:25-27, 1 Timothy 5:1-16

The saying "Hospitality begins at home" doesn't necessarily mean that it can only take place within our own four walls...but it should begin there. Home is where family is, where God's love must be shown. It's in the day-to-day of our own households that love is practiced and honed. 

Sometimes we may be guilty of taking our families for granted, assuming they know they're special to us when, in fact, they need to be reminded. When was the last time you held your child's face, peered into his eyes and told him how precious he is to you? Have you fixed your busy wife a cup of coffee today, rubbed the tired shoulders of your faithful, hard-working husband? Have you spoken words of encouragement to a troubled brother or sister? 

We know Jesus cared deeply for His parents and siblings. How much more should we, in the comfort and blessing of our homes, do likewise? Since we are the recipients of Christ's tender hospitality to us - He has welcomed us into His family! - we can in gratitude extend kindness to others.

Insight:  "Home is heaven for beginners."  (Charles Henry Parkhurst)

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

+DEV+ At Jesus' Feet

Date: May 3, 2016 at 10:18 PM
Topic: +DEV+  At Jesus' Feet

At Jesus' Feet

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Scripture Focus: Luke 10:38-41, John 11:1-43, 12:1-7

Mary and Martha, along with their brother Lazarus, were some of Jesus' closest friends. He and His disciples often stayed with them in Bethany as they traveled from village to village. On the occasion recounted in Luke 10, Martha busied herself with all the arrangements for a large entourage, while Mary sat at Jesus' feet, hanging on His every word, hungry for His teachings. 

I can almost feel Martha's pent-up resentment, complaining to the Lord that Mary wasn't helping with the housework. Growing bitterness robbed her of the joy that hospitality in Jesus' name should bring. But far from chastising Mary, Jesus gently rebukes her sister instead! "Martha...Martha," Can you hear the love in His voice? "Mary has chosen what is better..."

Have you sat at Jesus' feet today? Anything we do in Jesus' name begins with knowing and glorifying Him. That can only happen as we prioritize time in His presence. Meet Him in His Word and prayer, and He will guide and bring joy to all your other concerns throughout the day.

Insight: Hospitality is first and foremost about bringing people to the feet of Jesus. all our best efforts begin there!

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm

Monday, May 2, 2016

+DEV+ The Good Samaritan

Date: May 2, 2016 at 11:13 PM
Topic: +DEV+  The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

Scripture Focus: Luke 10:25-37

In Jesus' day bitter animosity between Jews and Samaritans was well established. The Jews considered their pure Hebrew blood superior to that of interbred Samaritans; the Samaritans despised the Jews' condescending smugness. To put it bluntly, they hated each other. 

It was unheard of for Jews and Samaritans to mix socially, and still more improbable that they would make even the smallest sacrifice for each other. Jesus desperately desired to show His followers that every person is our brother, that only He can recreate in us hearts of compassion. 

The Samaritan in Jesus' parable had just such a changed heart. He did more than save his enemy's life...he went to considerable trouble and expense to ensure this stripped, stricken Jew had shelter, food and medical care for as long as it took to heal. 

Wounded people are all around us, and Jesus calls us to minister to them. Might He put a hurting one across your path today? Meet that need with Christ's lovingkindness, regardless of bias or cultural differences.

Insight: Knowing God's law is not enough... we must also put it into action!

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm

Sunday, May 1, 2016

+DEV+ The Presence Of Jesus

Date: May 1, 2016 at 11:12 PM
Topic: +DEV+  The Presence Of Jesus

The Presence Of Jesus

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20

Scripture Focus: John 17:6-26

I like to think of a Christian home as a living body, with Jesus as it's beating heart. When people enter my home for a meal, a meeting, or for counseling, I try to imagine I'm bringing them into fellowship with the invisible but very present Center of our household. 

On the many occasions when Jesus broke bread and blessed it, He wasn't just asking for nourishment for Himself and His companions. He was seeking God's favor in granting every good thing that happens when people gather in a cozy space or over a good meal: relationship, laughter, caring, joy...bonds that say, "I love being with you, sharing what I have with you. I'm so glad you're here with me!" 

God's whole purpose in reconciling us to Himself was for this very end: fellowship! When we bow our heads to pray or open His Word to study, surely our Father's heart beats with joy to have us come in and be near Him. God grant that all who come through our doors will sense that same joyous presence of Jesus in our lives and in our homes.

Insight: The best way to push someone into God's heart is to pull them into your own.

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

We are in urgent need of Prayer and financial partners,
If you would like to become a prayer partner and or a financial partner with monthly or one time gifts.
A freewill offering to Restoration Ministry may be made via PayPal at our web site:    http://www.rollanet.org/~restore/donations.htm