Thursday, July 8, 2010

+DEV+ God and Fruit Trees

Date: July 8, 2010 8:19 PM
Topic: +DEV+ God and Fruit Trees

God and Fruit Trees

"His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season..." (Psalm 1:2-3).
Scripture Focus: Psalm 1:1-6

We are constantly buffeted by the world's news. War, rumors of war, financial crisis, joblessness, famine, earth quakes, etc. are things we absorb into our souls everyday. Some of us are news junkies and feed on it; others know just enough to stay informed or avoid it altogether. Yet in stark contrast there is this incredible picture of promise, peace and prosperity from an anonymous psalmist.

Verse 1 urges us to ignore the advice of the wicked, avoid constant companionship with habitual sinners and refrain from joining in with those who mock and ridicule God; interesting, since this is often the media's voice. It's no wonder that we live with nagging anxiety and worry.

The antidote is not to avoid the media but to tip the scales in favor of refreshing and replenishing ourselves with God's Word. The more we do, the more His water of life will reach our dry spirits. Then we'll be like leafy trees planted by a river . . . prospering, bearing fruit and never withering regardless of the news!

Insight: What do you think about most? Make an honest assessment of the fruit of your thinking. You can live in peace by changing fruitless habits.

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