Monday, May 12, 2014

+DEV+ What Is Your Life’s Story

Date: May 12, 2014 2:16 AM
Topic: +DEV+  What Is Your Life’s Story 

What Is Your Life’s Story 

"No one, sir, she said. Then neither do I condemn you, Jesus declared. Go now and leave your life of sin." John 8:11

Scripture Focus: John 8:1-11

I'm fascinated by books and stories that tell how someone lived his or her life. In the Bible we read hundreds of mini biographies, some only a verse or two long. In 2 Samuel we read about Benaiah. One of King David's chief men, he "was a valiant fighter...who performed great exploits. He struck down two of Moab's best men. He also went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion" (2 Samuel 23:20). The lives of most of the kings of Judah and Israel are summarized with the words, "and he did evil in the sight of the Lord." 

In John chapter 8 we get another brief life story. Jewish leaders brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. By Jewish Law she was to be stoned, but what would this Teacher say? Jesus did not condemn her, but He did write her biography when He summed up her life as a "life of sin." A good doctor shows the disease then dispenses the medicine. People don't need condemnation, but they do need to be shown their honest condition before God, and then the Savior He sent to save them.

Insight: What Better Biography Is There Than Of A Life Changed By Jesus? Does Your Life Tell That Story?

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