Date: November 16, 2015 8:40 PM
Topic: +DEV+ God's Glory Matters
God's Glory Matters
"Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days." John 11:5-6
Scripture Focus: Isaiah 40:5
I'm often so amazed at Jesus' weeping, at His human love for us, that I skip over the preceding verses in John where we read that Jesus purposefully delayed in going to Lazarus. Jesus, knowing that He would raise Lazarus from the dead, allowed Lazarus to die so that God's saving glory might be displayed.
So think about Jesus' weeping again now. He still had the compassion to stop and weep even though He knew that He would save Lazarus and that all would turn out well for him and his sisters. Jesus wept over death and suffering.
Ultimately, God exists, God created us out of nothing, and to Him should be all glory and honor and praise. God doesn't need us, but He loved us anyway... loved us enough to share in our experiences and our emotions.
In Jesus' love for Martha, Mary, Lazarus, and us, God has shown the realities of His saving grace. He put His glory on display for them and for us so that we might believe and have a foretaste of future resurrection and eternity with Him.
Insight: God's glory matters more than anything, yet He chose to weep for our sufferings, heal our sins, and raise us into glory with him.
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