Monday, July 25, 2011

+DEV+ Brokenness to Blessing

Date: July 25, 2011
Topic: +DEV+ Brokenness to Blessing

Brokenness to Blessing

"Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen." (2 CORINTHIANS 4:17-18)
Scripture Focus: 2 Corinthians 6:3-10

Throughout the month we've seen ways that the Lord pours out His grace when hope seems lost. In the face of sickness, financial ruin, disappointment, confusion or fear, we learn there is no trial too difficult for the strong arm of the Lord. Many of you may even feel, as Paul did, that you are hard pressed, persecuted, and struck down (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). The depth of your pain may be impossible for anyone to understand. But the God who made you understands it all.

If He hadn't reached out to us with the loving plan of the Savior, it would, indeed, be hard to know where to go next. But the words of Jesus Himself beckon us - all who are weary and burdened with the cares of the world - to come to Him. Lay your troubles at the feet of the One who bore our every problem and sin at Calvary. He made a way for us to confess with Paul that in having nothing, we possess everything. Giving up His life and holding onto nothing, Jesus holds you today and into eternity. Brokenness turns to blessing!

Insight: "Therefore, we do not lose heart" (2 Corinthians 4:16a) because Jesus takes us through every trial, already knowing them Himself.

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