Thursday, June 14, 2012

+DEV+ A Picture, Worth a Thousand Words

Date: June 13, 2012 11:58 PM
Topic: +DEV+  A Picture, Worth a Thousand Words

A Picture, Worth a Thousand Words

"And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself."  (Luke 24:29)
Scripture Focus: Luke 24:13-32

A picture can often get a message across better than a well-written sentence, paragraph or essay. The old wedding photos of my grandparents reveal much, conveying the story though the bride and groom are no longer here to tell it. The picture surely is worth a thousand words!

If that idiom is true, we can hardly begin to calculate the value of all the "pictures" of Jesus in the Old Testament. That's why Jesus' two followers who walked along the road toward Emmaus said that their "hearts were burning within" as Jesus spoke (vs. 32). Jesus took the seven mile walk to explain to them how all of the Scriptures were painting one picture: of Jesus Himself as God's great redemption plan for the world. The Old Testament foreshadows or pictures Jesus in many ways - through creation, various people, rocks, water, boats, trees, sacrifices, the temple, etc. Every story whispers His name; some even shout it! Those pictures are worth far more than a thousand words to you and me as believers; they are our words of life.

Insight: "The Unfolding Of Your Word Gives Light; It Gives Understanding To The Simple."  (Psalm 119:130)

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