Monday, March 24, 2014

+DEV+ I Choose God's Way

Date: March 24, 2014 2:15 AM
Topic: +DEV+  I Choose God's Way

I Choose God's Way

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." (Psalm 32:8)

Scripture Focus: Ruth 1:14-18; 2:2-3; 4:9-11

Have you ever made a life-altering decision, following your intuition rather the rational facts? Ruth's choice of going with Naomi or returning to her own people wasn't only about being a good daughter-in-law. It was also about listening to the yearnings of her heart and following God's voice. It was more than intuition.

Things looked bleak when the two women arrived in Bethlehem. Ruth offered to do what she could, gathering grain left behind by the harvesters. God led her to work the fields of Boaz, a wealthy, righteous man, but, under Jewish law, also a relative responsible to protect these women. It's a redemption story, with a forecast of the future. Eventually, Ruth married Boaz and gave birth to a son who'd carry the family name directly to King David and ultimately to Jesus.

The consequences of Ruth's decision to submit to God extended far beyond her lifetime. Who can tell what long term effect our godly choices today may have, not only on our immediate future, but in God's eternal plan?

Insight: "I am not skilled to understand/ what God has willed, what God has planned/ I only know at his right hand/ is one who is my savior." (Dora Greenwell, 1873)

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

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