Tuesday, December 16, 2014

+DEV+ Pt 2. Soul Care: God - Church - You

Date: December 16, 2014 11:16 PM
Topic: +DEV+  Pt 2. Soul Care: God - Church - You

Pt 2 Soul Care

. . .In the management of a household, the responsibilities for specific chores need to be assigned.  If they are not, each member of the household will assume that another person should do it.   The result?  Little is accomplished.  A successful household runs smoothly because there are defined and divided responsibilities.   Each member understands and carries out his or her part.

So it with soul care.  The responsibility for soul care is threefold:

        1.  God's responsibility
        2.  The church's responsibility
        3.  Your own responsibility

If your soul is going to be cared for adequately, God, the church, and you need to carry out your respective responsibilities.  To do your part,  you must know what it is.  Otherwise, you will not do it or (even worse) you will try to carry out responsibilities for which you are not equipped or have no authority.

We must first look at soul-care responsibility from these three points of view, remembering that all three agents work together.  We will look at all three points individually, they are:

        1.  God's Responsibility - Provision
        2.  The Church's Responsibility
        3.  Our Responsibility - Appropriate Responses

From the book: 
'Soul Care'
By Peter Lord

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

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