Wednesday, March 2, 2016

+DEV+ The “I Wish” Epidemic

Date: March 2, 2016 at 12:10 PM
Topic: +DEV+  The “I Wish” Epidemic

The “I Wish” Epidemic

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Philippians 4:12B

Scripture Focus: Philippians 4:10-13

If you stop and take note, you'll hear what I call the "I-wish" epidemic. "I wish you would have been there!" "I wish I could get off work!" "I wish I had the money for a car like that." "I wish..." Just fill in the blank. 

The "I-wishes" can find their way into nearly any topic of discussion. A few years ago I decided to try ridding my own conversation of the I-wish phrase because I realized that by using it so often I was beginning to express my discontent. 

Paul spoke to his friends in Philippi and to us about learning to be content. Have you wondered what the "secret" is that he mentions? The secret of being content is not found in any minor adjustment you or I might make to our speech and conversation. It is found in being grateful for all that our Savior has done for us, so grateful that whether we have plenty or very little, we will rest contentedly in Him. 

"Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life" (Revelation 22:17).

(“If Wishes were horses beggars would ride.” William Camden 1670)

Insight: A longing for things you do not have breeds discontent. Remember that in Jesus Christ you already have more than anyone could ever wish!

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

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