Thursday, March 10, 2016

+DEV+ This Is Impossible

Date: March 10, 2016 at 11:21 PM
Topic: +DEV+  This Is Impossible

This Is Impossible

"...Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, I will go over and see this strange sight - why the bush does not burn up." Exodus 3:2-3

Scripture Focus: Exodus 3:1-14

Right in front of Moses there stood a burning bush. Or should we say it was a non-burning bush? If Moses thought, "This is impossible”, he was right! It was logically impossible. A bush cannot be on fire yet not burning at the same time. But there it was - the perfect object to illustrate the lesson that followed. 

Essentially, Moses asked God, "What is your name?" God's amazing answer was, "I AM WHO I AM." To Moses' mind this was logically impossible, too. Egyptian gods were named after a part of nature or after some attribute they possessed. But this God said He existed with no reference or dependence on anything else. Even today we have difficulty imagining One who exists entirely in and of Himself. 

Yet this God who simply is who He is draws near and teaches us about Himself. Not only did He enter our frame of reference through objects like a burning bush, but He entered our world as a man: Jesus. We see that with God nothing is impossible. 
For Him, even the impossible is a possibility.

Insight: God has revealed himself to us through his son who walked among us so that we might better understand what we cannot grasp.

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