Monday, October 29, 2012

Our church's outreach missions ministry website is up...

Our pastor has arranged for a web site up of our church's outreach missions ministry.
it can be found at:

It describes the main mission of our little church not only to the Rolla area but to the American southwestern Indian tribes.
Pastor Douglas Cline was the Navaho Church of God overseer for many years before retiring from that post, but still has a heart for them.
Many churches have a world wide missions outreach but very few support the American Indian. Millions of Dollars go overseas to various missions but very few will look to our own borders at the need here in the USA. The statistic is that for every $100,000 sent overseas $0.50 is given towards the needs of the American Indian. If you think about it, the "government" puts them on the worst possible lands that will not grow anything and then give them a paltry $135.00 each month per family to live on. The land they have they do not even have the mineral rights to it and the Government takes the oil/gas/minerals/anything of real value from them. Turquoise Stone is the only mineral they are allowed to collect to make jewelry from. The mines are so heavily regulated they can only work them for a few hours each week (lest they get rich!) just enough to get a few ounces of silver to make their jewelry.

Currently they isn't much information of the Church aspect yet but it will be coming in time as they continue to "build" the website.
I encourage everyone to stop by and check it out.

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