Sunday, April 6, 2014

+DEV+ Quietness Is Strength

Date: April 5, 2014 11:28 PM
Topic: +DEV+  Quietness Is Strength

Quietness Is Strength

"In quietness and trust is your strength...." (Isaiah 30:15)

Scripture Focus: Luke 11:38-42; Mark 14:3-9

There are as many different ways to draw near to God on our journey with Him as there are people who journey - each individual seeking and serving our Lord from his or her unique perspective.

Unlike her sister, the outspoken server Martha, Mary of Bethany was a quiet woman who experienced life with deep, heartfelt emotion. She chose to sit at Jesus' feet listening to Him speak instead of helping Martha. She longed to learn from Jesus. The more she heard Him teach, the more her heart craved His words. Eventually, she needed to express tangibly how much Jesus meant to her. One evening at dinner, as Martha busily served, Mary came into the room, stood behind Jesus, broke open an extremely expensive bottle of perfume, and, without words, poured the scented oil over Him - a sacrificial act of love and devotion for Him.

How will we show our devotion for all Christ means to us? Each of us must choose, but for some, like Mary, a quiet, heart-felt sacrifice of love, gratitude, and praise is the only way.

Insight: "...My sole purpose is to live simply and purely in devotion to the Lord...being still and waiting, sitting at His feet." (Cynthia Heald)

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