Date: July 5, 2015 11:35 PM
Topic: +DEV+ Free Lives
Free Lives
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have..." Hebrews 13:5
Scripture Focus: Matthew 6:19-24
Our hearts yearn for contentment. It was part of God's original design. After all, human beings once enjoyed perfect contentment and lived in close communion with God.
That was long ago, before sin entered the world. It was before human beings bought into the lie that God was holding out on them, that they deserved more and could obtain it... outside of Him. Even for us who belong to Christ, there is a great danger of reverting to this way of thinking. At least some part of us still wonders if God might be holding out on us, that we might be better satisfied with more than what He has already provided. Or even worse ... that God is not trustworthy and might not meet our needs. We become obsessed with gaining wealth and, whether we are successful or not, we become lovers of money.
Ironically, there is an inverse relationship between the love of money and contentment. The more we love it, the less content our hearts will truly be. A close walk with Jesus and the love of money are mutually exclusive.
Insight: Money itself is not evil, but often the more we have, the less we perceive our need for God.
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