Monday, September 7, 2015

What The Church Must do. SWING VOTE pt. 7

Date: August 25, 2015 11:25 PM
Topic: What The Church Must do.      SWING VOTE pt. 7

What The Church Must do
Pt. 7
by Darrel and Cindy Deville

Right now, God is calling all of us to our knees, beginning with those in the pulpits (the real swing vote), for they hold the keys to change everything.  God is calling the five-fold ministry (especially pastors) all across America to unite, humble themselves and lead the way - in genuine repentance and massive daily prayer.  If they will truly respond in obedience to God's cry and instructions - we will see the heavens opened and a holy visitation - a cleansing and purifying fire that will hit our pulpits and send ripple effects throughout the pews and out into the city streets and across our nation from shore to shore!

Note:  Our new book God's Answer for America is a very timely and prophetic message that reveals exactly what God is instructing pastors and churches to do to bring the greatest awakening ever seen, the three keys to bring dramatic and lasting change, and more.

With all this in mind, we point to Peter who declared that judgment must first begin in the house of God (I Peter. 4:17).  This is not a condemning judgment, but rather a purifying and purging that will bring the change within we must have in order to rise up in the earth as the glorious church Christ is returning for (Eph. 5:27; Isa. 60:1-2).  It's time for a holy visitation!. . . .

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

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