Monday, August 10, 2009

52 Reasons to Reject Obamacare

52 Reasons to Reject Obamacare:

The person producing this list doubled checked and states that these are the true meanings behind each and every listing. The reader is encouraged to look into the matter for him or herself. This is far too important to wait for the agents of “spin” to “explain” the matter.

1. Page 22 of the Healthcare Bill MANDATES the Government will audit books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!

2. Page 30 Sec 123 of Healthcare Bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments and benefits you get.

3. Page 29 lines 4-16 in the Healthcare Bill - YOUR HEALTHCARE IS RATIONED!!!

4. Page 42 of Healthcare Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your Healthcare Benefits for you. You will have no choice!

5. Page 50 Section 152 in Healthcare Bill - Healthcare will be provided to ALL non-US citizens, illegal or otherwise.

6. Page 58 Healthcare Bill - Government will have real-time access to an individual’s finances and a National ID Healthcare Card will be issued!

7. Page 59 Healthcare Bill lines 21-24, Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.

8. Page 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions and “community organizations” such as ACORN.

9. Page 72 Lines 8-14, Government is creating another “agency”, the Healthcare Exchange to bring private heathcare plans under government control.

10. Page 84 Sec 203 Healthcare Bill - Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private healthcare plans in the Exchange.

11. Page 85 Line 7 Healthcare Bill – There will be specs regarding benefit levels for Plans: another way in which the Government will ration your healthcare.

12. Page 91 Lines 4-7 Healthcare Bill - Government mandates “linguistic appropriate services”. Translation – Spanish or other languages for illegals.

13. Page 95 Healthcare Bill Lines 8-18, The Government will use groups such as ACORN and Amiericorps to sign up individuals for the government healthcare plan.

14. Page 85 Line 7 Healthcare Bill – A reiteration of the specs regarding benefit levels for Plans which means, AARP members, your health care WILL be rationed no matter what you are being told now.

15. Page 102 Lines 12-18 Healthcare Bill - Medicaid eligible individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicare; you will have no choice regarding that enrollment.

16. Page 124 lines 24-25 Healthcare Bill - No company can sue the government on a charge of price fixing. No "judicial review" will be permitted against a government monopoly.

17. Page 127 Lines 1-16 Healthcare Bill – Doctors: The Government will tell YOU what you can make.

18. Page 145 Line 15-17, An Employer must automatically enroll employees into the public option plan; there is NO CHOICE. However, this plan is so convoluted that obviously there must be someway this can be avoided (see #s 20 and 21: the mandated payroll taxes for employers who do NOT off the public option); this is an apparent contradiction, but this is what the bill says.

19. Page 126 Lines 22-25, Employers MUST pay for healthcare for part time employees AND their families.

20. Page 149 Lines 16-24, ANY employer with a payroll of 400k and above who does not provide the public option must pay an 8% payroll tax. (see # 18 above)

21. Page 150 Lines 9-13, Businesses with a payroll between 251k & 400k who don’t provide the public option will pay 2-6% tax on all payrolls. (see #18 above)

22. Page 167 Lines 18-23, ANY individual who doesn’t have acceptable healthcare according to the government will be taxed 2.5% of his income.

23. Page 170 Lines 1-3 Healthcare Bill - Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes but Americans will pay.

24. Page 195 Healthcare Bill - Officers & employees of Healthcare Administration (Government) will have access to the financial records of ALL Americans.

25. PAGE 203 Line 14-15 Healthcare - "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that!

26. Page 239 Line 14-24 Healthcare Bill - Government will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income and poor affected.

27. Page 241 Line 6-8 Healthcare Bill - Doctors, it doesn’t matter what your specialty is, you will all be paid the same.

28. Page 253 Line 10-18, Government sets value of doctor’s time, professional judgment, experience etc. Literally, the government will be setting the value on human life.

29. Page 265 Sec 1131, Government mandates & controls productivity for private healthcare industries.

30. Page 268 Sec 1141, Fed Government regulates rental & purchase of power drive wheelchairs, scooters etc.

31. Page 272 Sec. 1145, Treatment of certain cancer hospitals - Cancer patients, welcome to rationing!

32. Page 280 Sec 1151,The Government will penalize hospitals for what GOVERNMENT deems preventable re-admissions.

33. Page 298 Lines 9-11, Doctors treating a patient during an initial admission which later results in a re-admission will be penalized by the government.

34. Page 317 L 13-20, PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. The government will tell doctors what and how much they can own.

35. Page 317-318 lines 21-25,1-3, PROHIBITION on expansion. Government is mandating that hospitals cannot expand.

36. Page 321 2-13, Hospitals have the opportunity to apply for an exception BUT “community input” is required. This opens the way to an incredible amount of extortion by “community groups” who might demand a quid pro quo from any hospital wishing to expand.

37. Page335 L 16-25 Page 336-339, Government mandates the establishment of outcome based measures; that means, healthcare as they want it, a/k/a rationing.

38. Page 341 Lines 3-9, Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Adv. Plans, HMOs etc. thus forcing people into the government plan.

39. Page 354 Sec 1177 - Government will RESTRICT enrollment of “special needs people” a/k/a the handicapped!! Eugenics and euthanasia become a part of medical treatment.

40. Page 379 Sec 1191, Government creates more bureaucracy, that is the “Telehealth Advisory Committee (can you say “healthcare” by phone?).

41. Page 425 Lines 4-12, Government mandates Advance Care Planning Consultations for Senior Citizens which in effects lets seniors know that it’s time for them to die and get out of the way.

42. Page 425 Lines 17-19, Government will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney etc. This will be MANDATORY! (So much for individual liberty and privacy!)

43. Page 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3, Government provides approved list of “end of life resources” to help guide you into death. I’m sure that “Dr.” Kevorkian will have a job with this group.

44. Page 427 Lines 15-24, Government mandates program for orders at the end of life; the government has a say in HOW and WHEN your life will end. This is called euthanasia.

45. Page 429 Lines 1-9, An “advanced care planning consultation will be used frequently as a patient’s health deteriorates. Again, much American health care involves people with chronic conditions but who can still have many years of productive life WITH PROPER MEDICAL CARE. If you are deemed to be unworthy of such care by virtue of criteria such as your race, gender, socio-economic condition etc., the chances are good that you will be DENIED that care and you life will end far sooner than would otherwise be the case under today’s healthcare system.

46. Page 429 Lines 10-12, The “advanced care consultation” may include an ORDER for end of life plans – an ORDER from the GOVERNMENT. Again, we will have government ordained euthanasia – which is nothing less than legalized murder.

47. Page 429 Lines 13-25 - The Government will specify which Doctors can write an “end of life” order. This means that the physician(s) who cared for you may not even be consulted and you will be condemned to death by some uncaring bureaucrat in Washington who knows nothing about you and your situation.

48. Page 430 Lines 11-15, The Government will decide what level of treatment you will have at the end of your life.

49. Page 469 - Community Based Home Medical Services regards services provided by non profit organizations like ACORN.

50. Page 472 Lines 14-17, Dictates payment to a community based organization like ACORN for such treatment. Both the treatment and the organization are determined by the government.

51. Page 489 Sec 1308, The Government will cover Marriage & Family therapy which means they will insert themselves into your marriage. If you are a Christian, it is possible that the government may be able to intrude into decisions made by your family as a result of your religion.

52. Page 494-498, Government will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, and rationing those services. Again, you could be adjudged “mentally ill” if you disagree with the prevailing agenda such as homosexual rights, abortion etc.

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