Wednesday, September 5, 2012

+DEV+ Jesus Sees it All

Date: September 5, 2012 1:15 AM
Topic: +DEV+  Jesus Sees it All

Jesus Sees it All

"and his eyes were like blazing fire."  (Revelation 1:14)
Scripture Focus: Exodus 3:1-11

John witnessed Caesar declaring himself God. He saw churches raided by executioners, sent by that dreaded Emperor. John saw blood flowing from martyrs, the sheep of his flocks. What he saw cried out for explanation. "Doesn't God see the distress? Doesn't He care that His sheep are being slaughtered? Has God fallen asleep while we suffer?"

Along with John we must look into the face of the risen Jesus. Consider those eyes full of blazing light. Jesus never sleeps. He never blinks. He sees everything, a thousand times more clearly than we do. Look again at those eyes. They burn with wrath as He sees the evil in this world. They are seared by pain as He sees the blood of every martyr and the sorrow of every widow. Look carefully, and you will glimpse the flow of tears from those eyes. He sees and feels more deeply than you or I can imagine. Jesus is your all-seeing Lord and Savior. He knows the state you are in, and He loves you more than words can tell. These truths would comfort John and us as well.

Insight: Revival Means Entering A Rest Where There Is No Doubt About Jesus' Love. In All Things We Can Say With Certainty, "For This I Have Jesus."

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