Monday, September 24, 2012

+DEV+ A Land as Dark as Midnight

Date: September 24, 2012 8:54 PM
Topic: +DEV+  A Land as Dark as Midnight

A Land as Dark as Midnight

"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up."  (Psalm 71:20)
Scripture Focus: Psalm 71

For many Christians, depression is a taboo subject, one we just don't like to talk about. But the troubled, fearful, grieving soul is nothing unusual in the Psalms and throughout the Bible. Similarly, depression and despair are never far from our lives today. In 2004 my friend was diagnosed with depression. he said he was grateful to both a family doctor and a counselor who didn't judge him, but did all they could to help him put one foot in front of the other and find a way forward.

The righteous man Job in the Old Testament sunk deep into depression and misery as he saw his family, home, possessions and health fall from him. "It is a land as dark as midnight, a land of utter gloom where confusion reigns and the light is dark as midnight" (Job 10:22, NLT). I know that personally to be a good description of depression.

Thank God I also know that Jesus is the light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. We may not understand His timing, but He promises to shine His light upon us and yet again bring us up if we continue to look to Him.

Insight: Just As Sure As Night Follows Day, We Are All Likely To Know Times Of Darkness. However, Don't Despair - The Dawn Will Come Again!

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