Thursday, October 8, 2015

+DEV+ In His Holiness

Date: October 8, 2015 12:57 AM
Topic: +DEV+  In His Holiness

In His Holiness 

The Lord said to Moses, Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy. Leviticus 19:1, 2

Scripture Focus: Hebrews 10:1-10

Over the years I have had many people accept the challenge with me to read through their Bibles in a year... only to get bogged down when they came to Leviticus. Admittedly, reading the book of Leviticus can be a challenge. But should you accept that noble quest, let me offer a couple of suggestions. 

First, read for an over-all impression; don't get bogged down by minutiae. Second, see God's holiness and how that relates to His desire for you today. Leviticus, if nothing else, reminds us that God takes sin seriously! Then, as you see His holiness, and the total impossibility of your meeting His standard, thank Him for His provision in His Son Jesus Christ. 

In fact, read the book of Hebrews in conjunction with your reading of Leviticus. "But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself." That message is repeated a couple of times. The Law of Leviticus showed us the standard; Jesus, in His death, provided the fulfillment, once for all.

Insight: Rejoice in your salvation through the finished work of Christ. What you could never do, He did ...once for all.

Please feel free to use this devotional to send on to your friends or share with your church fellowship and Bible study groups.

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